Sunday, April 27, 2008


pro-fucking-ductive weekend. RUMMAGE SALE SEASON HAS SPRUNG. and i couldn't be happier.

For 19 dollars I came away with:

  1. rollar skates

  2. 10 speed Schwin

  3. elephant head hat, tiger head, teddy burrs

  4. fuck ton of zippers

  5. lots of books about (dinosaurs, space, crafts, basketweaving, the animal kingdom, and tom cruise)

  6. an over priced hot dog (fur me tum tum)

  7. sweet ass type writer

  8. beads beads beads

lists will save the world doooooood

i found my power animal this on saturday, or at least my first. walking to china in the mud brought the swift arms of a giant squid, my squid, me. a slimly surge within inspires the confidence and capability from my jelly like insides. did i mention i'm losing my mind?

i've been thinking about jumping a lot lately, or at least the feeling derived from basically throwing yourself at will. i jumped off of our four wheeler today while it was moving and ate some awful shit. c'est bonne. i want to jump off of my bike and on my bed and nothing needs to interrupt this relationship with gravity. dun you dare.

i have no focus right now, only anticipation for the shit storm that's a brewing. yay for the vague.

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